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Whether you are moving to a gorgeous Barbados beachfront property, or a quaint home in the Barbados countryside, you will need utility services. They’re a number of major utility companies who service the majority of properties in Barbados. Here is a look at some of these companies and how you can get utilities if you are moving to Barbados in the near future.

1. Light and Power

The Barbados Light and Power Company is the main provider of light and power to properties on the island of Barbados. In general, electricity costs slightly more in Barbados than it does in many other nations. This is because resources can be harder to come by on an island. If you would like to know what your electricity bill would be from the Barbados Light and Power Company, then you can use their bill estimator tool. This can give you a good estimate of the money you would owe if you lived on the island and were using power.

If you do not want to use the Barbados Light and Power company to get energy for your property, then solar is also an option. You can install solar panels. 30 percent of Barbados homes already have solar powered water heaters. However, installing solar panels is still a good alternative to using traditional power.

2. Water

Potable water on the island of Barbados is primarily supplied by the Barbados Water Authority. The Barbados Water Authority is a government run organization. There are natural coral aquifers on the island, which help to collect clean drinking water. Despite the fact that the water from these aquifers is very clean, the Barbados Water Authority still adds chlorine to the water supply. This is so that the organization can be compliant with World Health Organization standards. The water on the island is safe to drink. However, some people still prefer to drink bottled water because of a perception of better taste.

3. Gas 

The National Petroleum Corporation is the company that supplies natural gas to homes on the island of Barbados. Roughly 20,000 homes on the island get their natural gas from the National Petroleum Corporation. If you plan to use natural gas, then this is the company that you will be using. You can also purchase bottle gas from petrol stations.

4. Internet, Cable, Telephone

If you plan on using wireless internet or cable services while you are staying in Barbados, then you will need to use a local Barbados wireless and cable provider. Flow Barbados is the predominant telecommunications company on the island. So, when you move there, it may be wise to set up an appointment with Flow Barbados to have them come and install telecommunications services in your home very quickly. Digicel is also a great company that provide internet, cable, telephone, and mobile services as well. In the modern economy, many expats run businesses, or conduct a lot of business activity online, so making sure that they have reliable internet connection can be a very high priority. Flow Barbados and Digicel can supply you with reliable internet services.

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Hello! Really depends on your usage. Electricity for example, if you use air conditioning a lot, your bill would be much higher. Please use the links in the blog post to visit each utility company website.
Jonathan T Tarr
Greeting I'm planning to visit Barbados early next year, how much utility cost monthly
How to Rent Your Property in Barbados - Barbados Expat Homes
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